Re: TI-H: TI-Graphlink


Re: TI-H: TI-Graphlink

At 12:20 1997-10-10 -0400, you wrote:
>	Can anyone point to me where can I find info on the TI-Graphlink?
>I need to know the specs, protocal, how it relates with the graphlink
>program and so on.

The calculator linking can be divided into two parts:
* The byte transfers, depending on cable
* The data transfers, depending on model

I think byte transfers with TI's GraphLink is just like byte transfers with a modem. On home made cables it is different.

Data transfers follows certain protocol for sending/receiving variables etc. ThriftyLink, available at, comes with messy but working C source code showing home made serial transfers for the 85 and 82. The protocol differences between calculator models are pretty small.

                     -/- David Eriksson -/-

2 G o o D   P r o d u c t i o n s  ->
