Re: TI-H: Thanks to some.
Re: TI-H: Thanks to some.
Your outline sounds good at the moment. If no one else minds I'll try to
organise it. For anyone who wants to write about one of the subjects
below please do so and email it to me with a subject "TIH FAQ". Once
people start sending stuff to me I'll sort through it and add it all
together into a page giving everyone credit who sends stuff in. I will
upload it to wherever you suggest as a page but if you want to keep it
to modify it might be best to put it up at my homepage where I can
modify it's info whenever someone sends me a wanted update. Anyone have
more ideas? If more than one person writes about something I'll combine
the two to become one better article. Thanks,
Osma Suominen wrote:
> What sections would we need? How about these?
> 1. General hardware questions
> 1.1. Link port
> 1.1.1. 8x series
> 1.1.2. 92
> 1.2. Screen
> 1.3. Processors
> 1.3.1. Z80 (clone)
> 1.3.2. MC68000 (clone)
> 1.4. Memory
> 2. Homemade link cables
> 2.1. Serial
> 2.2. Parallel
> 2.3. Connect-85
> 2.4. Duplicating the Graph Link
> 3. Sounds
> 3.1. Connecting speakers to the link port
> 3.2. Other sound designs
> 3.2.1. I2C DAC (&ADC?)
> 3.2.2. Amplified SPinTerface sound cartridge
> 3.2.3. MCU Expanders
> 4. Turboing
> (separately for each successfully turboed calc)
> 5. Remote linking
> 5.1. General facts
> 5.2. IR
> 5.3. RF
> 6. Memory expansion
> 6.1. Expander SF
> 6.2. Extender uP
> 6.3. Expander II/III
> 7. Misc projects
> 7.1. SPinTerface port
> 7.2. Backlighting
> 7.3. Battery Expansion
> 7.4. Light Flasher
> 7.5. I2C Network & other I2C Stuff
> 7.6. TI Modem
> 7.7. TI Mouse
> 7.8. TI Keyboard