Re: TI-H: A Promising IR Link...


Re: TI-H: A Promising IR Link...

Sami Khawam wrote:
> I've disigned this weekend an IR link, 
> that looks working in theorie.
> I was able to send some bits from
> the calc to the computer(I used my
> sound board to see them).
> It is PIC based(like all my previous
> projects) and uses the TI protocol.
> It will support a range up to 30m
> if the batteries and the IRLED are
> good enougth. The part price won't be
> higher than $20.
> I will begin fully codes and
> testing next weekend. If you have 
> some suggestion please tell me.

Please make it generic so it will support I2C and other protocols instead
of just the TI protocol. That is, send the states of the link port pins
instead of decoding the data and sending it in some other format.


*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***
