Re: TI-H: Thanks to some.
Re: TI-H: Thanks to some.
Leif Gregory wrote:
> Hey bud, don't give up on it. Screw the morons who have nothing better to
> do than whine and degrade other people. People like you and I are on this
> list to learn, and to make the TI a better calc. If someone is too immature
> to accept that, then screw them. You don't owe them anything. Let them be
> losers and you press on.
> I have very little time to actually do any R&D, but I will support your
> efforts with any technical data and theory that you need. JUST DON'T GIVE
> UP. Your making a valuable contribution.
You got a point there, but I see growing demand for a FAQ on this list.
There are loads of messages that present "new" ideas that have been
discussed on the list long ago, as well as general questions concerning the
homemade link cables and various other extensions (SPinTerface, I2C,
Expander SF..) Most of these questions could be answered with a relatively
concise FAQ, and people eager to develop new hardware could start off where
others have given up instead of reinventing the wheel. A TI-Hardware
Skeptics(sp?) page could have explanations on why the many "ingenious"
ideas that get presented to this list over and over simply don't work, so
we can concentrate on the essential.
*** Osma Suominen *** *** ***