TI-H: Re: SPinTerface power port & other stuff


TI-H: Re: SPinTerface power port & other stuff

>You have a chip for the memory harddrive?  I lost you at the end 
becuase you
>were talking about 50 diffeent things.  Could I just buy a chip from 

Sorry about that! I would recomend getting it direct from Mel Tsai. 
Email him and ask for one. I think he still has some. I need two from 
him, so I had better hurry too! His address is tsaimelv@pilot.msu.edu

>Also thanks for everything else you answered for me.  May I have your 
>page too!  I want to link it to mine if that is okay...

Every link I get is one more way for people to learn about all my and 
other people's hardware projects. I want people to build or ask me to 
build these things.

I give you my total permission, as well as any one else who wants to 
link to my page, to add the link below


Richard Piotter

e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com

home page: <A 

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