Re: TI-H: Infarred linking


Re: TI-H: Infarred linking

>I'm no specialist, but what I know from the list is that the pic isn't the best
>choice for this thing, because it's not reprogrammable. So, if there
>happens to be
>a bug, you'll have to buy a new chip :(((

The PIC IS reprogramable.  Mel meant that bryan wasn't going to give the
PIC compiled source so you couldn't upgrade your EuP.  Most all PICs
require an UV light to erase, but the 16F84 used in the EuP is
Electronically erasable.

The F in PICF84 means it has flash memory.


BTW: IMHO I like the 16F84 and AVR chips.

>That's what Mel said last tuesday:
>> ...the PIC is one of the worst microcontrollers on the market
>> today. Slow, expensive, non flash-programmable, and poor
>> instruction set...
>> ...All of his new (non-calculator-related)
>> projects are using the AVR...
>I don't really know what an AVR is, but I'm sure, somebody out there can
>help you.
>CU, Philipp
>I'm no specialist, but what I know from the list is that the <I>pic</I>
>isn't the best choice for this thing, because it's not reprogrammable.
>So, if there happens to be a bug, you'll have to buy a new chip :(((
><P>That's what <A HREF="">Mel</A> said last
><PRE>...the PIC is one of the worst microcontrollers on the market
>today. Slow, expensive, non flash-programmable, and poor
>instruction set...
>...All of his new (non-calculator-related)
>projects are using the AVR...</PRE>
>I don't really know what an AVR is, but I'm sure, somebody out there can
>help you.
><BR>CU, Philipp</HTML>