Re: TI-H: Infarred linking


Re: TI-H: Infarred linking

At 18:57 1997-11-20 +0100, you wrote:
>I'm no specialist, but what I know from the list is that the pic isn't the best
>choice for this thing, because it's not reprogrammable. So, if there
happens to be
>a bug, you'll have to buy a new chip :(((

What are you talking  about???? Now I am a little angry! YES you don't now
so much about PIC16F84!
Ok I can tell you that it is F like flash pic! And if you don't now! Let me
tell you  that flash is programmable  at least a hundred times! Don't do any
conclusions about things you don't now about!!!!!!
My link now working properly with TI85 protocol and the pointing system
working very nice! It is fast to!
First you point the both links with the pointing system then when you push
the transmit button it starting to send and the other starting to receive.
The pointing system is working like this: If there is no possible
transmission between the to a LED is telling. If the LED has gone out there
is possible to transmit. In this way you can transmit in a longer distance.
If you don't want it I don't  bother. If anyone want the link mail  me! 
And one more thing to Mel: You don't now what you are saying! Pic is fast,
cheap(12C509), flash-programmable((16F84)I don't think you have a clue!),
Very easy to make powerful applications with the nice instruction set, It's
new and it's hot! If you want a more powerful PIC you can chose one up to 33
You can chose a PIC16F84 up to 10 Mhz! It is faster then TI-Z80! But I
really like Z80 to! The PIC is very small not much larger than a and
component! Mel you don't now enough to flame PIC!   

Per-Erik Andersson

>That's what Mel said last tuesday:
>> ...the PIC is one of the worst microcontrollers on the market
>> today. Slow, expensive, non flash-programmable, and poor
>> instruction set...
>> ...All of his new (non-calculator-related)
>> projects are using the AVR...
>I don't really know what an AVR is, but I'm sure, somebody out there can
help you.
>CU, Philipp
>I'm no specialist, but what I know from the list is that the <I>pic</I>
>isn't the best choice for this thing, because it's not reprogrammable.
>So, if there happens to be a bug, you'll have to buy a new chip :(((
><P>That's what <A HREF="">Mel</A> said last
><PRE>...the PIC is one of the worst microcontrollers on the market
>today. Slow, expensive, non flash-programmable, and poor
>instruction set...
>...All of his new (non-calculator-related)
>projects are using the AVR...</PRE>
>I don't really know what an AVR is, but I'm sure, somebody out there can
>help you.
><BR>CU, Philipp</HTML>