TI-H: Infarred linking
TI-H: Infarred linking
I'm interested in designing and constructing a IR link for the ti type
calculator. My goal is to design this link so that no specal driver is
needed; making compatable with any calc. I have two ways to do this.
Either I can use a pic or not. The problem with using a pic is that I've
never worked with pic or any microcontroller before. How would I go
about tieing the two lines (clock and data) together with a pic? The
problem with not using a pic is that I would need to build a
send/recieve pair for each line (please prove me wrong if possable :) ).
This would increase cost and I have a problem of filtering out the two
lines. First I thought that I may be able to use two diodes of different
wavelenghth so that I could use filters to seperate the lines. This was
not possable so next I thought of using a band-pass filter, but the
problem is that the filtering is still not good enough. Either way it
lookes like a pic controlled device would be best. Anyone have any good
sources on pic controllers (compilers, source, programmers, ect.) ?