TI-H: Stop this.
TI-H: Stop this.
Okay I got this in one of the debates over copyrihgts.
John; it seems to me that if you are looking for fame in this list
>>and want to copyright something then you should design something
>>YOURSELF! Why not continue your work on the RF-link; I remember you
>>said you were working on it. I can give you everything I worked out
>>let you figure a way to build it which shouldn't be to hard if you
>>how to look through a LOT of data sheets. I will continue the work
>>myself next time I'm free (This winter I should be able to finish it
>>you don't want to do it).
I ne4ver send anyhting untill todayabout copyrihgts. Just stop saying stuff
about me that is not true! I plan to build the Exium EuP or EuP with
permission of bryan. That is all I want to do., I also have a speaker that
works great with the 92 great.
John Fraser @ Happyware 1997
Can you live without the EuP
If you want more info contact
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