Re: TI-H: Copyrights
Re: TI-H: Copyrights
Copyright law allows you to place a copyright by merely announcing it,
infact, anthing copyrightable is automaticaly copyrighted to the
creator, whethere he/she cares or not. That cash thing is for big
buisneses that have to wirry about otheres stealing stuff and claiming
it is theirs. It gives a foot hold only if you go to court. I could
copyright this message I am writing if I wanted to, because it is a
writted, document! You don't have to pay for a copyright, you pay to
REGISTER a copyright so you have total protection by the law IF someone
claims they designed or wrote or whatevered it. Also, you DON't Need a
BUSNESS to copyright stuff.
>To properly copyright something, you have to first get the name of your
>buisness down with the US (about $15) then register Exium with
>>I said the Exium was copyrighted by John Frasier. That is true. It is
>>his brand name and he has as much right to call every EuP he builds,
>>Exium EuP. It's the same as a Compaq PC or a DELL PC or an IBM PC. All
>>are PC's with similar, sometimes IDENTICAL hardware with minor
>>modifications, yet they have the legal right to slap their brand name
>>it. I WILL DEFEND the current US copyright LAWS to their FULLEST by
>>defining them to the BEST of MY abilities.
>>>John didn't say the design was copyright him. Some one else did.
>>>>Grant Stockly wrote:
>>>>> Bryan owns the copyright to the schematic. He said people could
>>>>> change it,
>>>>> but he still owns the copyright to it.
>>>>> If you were to change the monitor card in your computer (or
>>>>> on
>>>>> the EuP) could you copyright the computer?
>>>>> >Exium copyright =A9 1997 John Frasier
>>>> John; it seems to me that if you are looking for fame in this
>>>>and want to copyright something then you should design something
>>>>YOURSELF! Why not continue your work on the RF-link; I remember you
>>>>said you were working on it. I can give you everything I worked out
>>>>let you figure a way to build it which shouldn't be to hard if you
>>>>how to look through a LOT of data sheets. I will continue the work
>>>>myself next time I'm free (This winter I should be able to finish it
>>>>you don't want to do it).
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