Re: TI-H: Rom Dump


Re: TI-H: Rom Dump

Jake Robb wrote:

> If a person was willing, they could sacrifice one little function on
> their calculator in order to provide a way in.  I mean, you don't REALLY
> need the 10^x function, it's quite easy to hit 1,0,^.  I'm sure there
> are other functions which are solely there for convenience, and could be
> sacrificed for the coolness of an OS82.

It's not a question about sacrificing anything, it's that you need a way
to get the processor to run something from RAM. In the TI-85, this can
be done by modifying the Custom menu, because its pointers reside in
RAM. But on the 82, the processor never runs anything outside of ROM,
and you can't alter ROM, so it's impossible. (I haven't checked it out
personally, though..)


*** Osma Suominen *** ***
