TI-H: TI's link...
TI-H: TI's link...
>Date: Fri, 4 Jul 1997 23:41:46 -0400
>From: Colin Bartlett <barrett@ptdprolog.net>
>Subject: RE: TI-H: $4 serial link
>i never was able 2 send stuff 2 my comp from the calc. i got fed up with
>tinkering and just baught the friggen $30 one from TI. it works great.
no >hassle. i highly reccomend it.
>- -Colin :-)
>- ----------
He's absolutely right. My friend and I also have the "official" links.
They work great. Course I've never tried a homemade one. But I haven't
had any problems with the official ones and that's because they tested
the gall dern thangs!