Re: TI-H: ti webring for zshell stuff developers


Re: TI-H: ti webring for zshell stuff developers

Spy Hunter?  Where the hell can you get that game?  I want it...

-Iron Rob

> >If you really want this to be for the TI-Community, then why do it just for
> >ZShell developers?  besides, setting up a webring can be a total pain in the
> >ass, so why go through the hassle of creating a whole new ring when there's
> >already a ring waiting there?
> >
> >-Brandon Turok
> >
> >
> >
> Well then since everyone is against the idea, I guess I will drop the idea.
> But what I meant by for the TI-community was that I have noticed on several
> occassions, how developer's stuff doesn't get posted to the major TI
> locations, so, a non developer could just follow the ring around, and get a
> few games not on the major pages, for instance Spy Hunter.
> 					Sincerely,
> 					Kevin
> ____________________________________________________
> And always remember to shoot for the moon, because
> even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars!
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"Sometimes it's better to just shut up then you know... letting the
bird fly"
-Valentin Deaconu, Professor of Math at University of Nevada
