TI-H: My I2C drivers - OK, I'll continue...
TI-H: My I2C drivers - OK, I'll continue...
Okay, so some people still seem to be interested in my drivers. I'll
continue their development when I have time. I'll probably release them
under the GNU General Public Library License (www.fsf.com) so you can use
them quite freely and I won't get sued.
I'll release new versions when I have something to release, but I'll try to
make version 1.0 as complete and bug-free as possible. Versions before that
are beta versions which are not intended to be used, at least for real
applications. You can look at them to see what they're all about and
prepare to use v1.0 when it comes out. The readme.txt (at
www.clinet.fi/~ozone/i2c) is already quite comprehensive, so check it out
before you ask me questions about the routines.
For general info about the I2C protocol, check out The I2C Zone (not my
site) at www.ping.be/~ping0751/i2c.htm . Extended I2C (XI2C) is a set of
extensions to the I2C protocol. The most important changes are an increase
in maximum speed (doesn't matter for the slow TI's) and a 10-bit extended
addressing mode which allows more devices to be put on the same bus. My
routines already support the extended addressing mode, although I haven't
tested it yet (I haven't bought any XI2C chips).
*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone ***