Re: TI-H: What ever happened to the TI network?
Re: TI-H: What ever happened to the TI network?
I had started designing a TI network earlier this year and had some
computer-server side database software developed. A *very* basic ASM
prog was developed and a whole lot of ideas were discussed within my
group. Unfortunately when it came to hardware no one in my group had
much experience. That's where we kinda got stopped. I/we would be
willing to help in the TI network project if anyone is willing to
include me/us. I'd like to know more from anyone who has any info, so
please feel free to reply to me personally.
>From Sun Dec 14 10:05:26 1997
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>Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 09:50:13 -0700
>From: (Grant Stockly)
>Subject: Re: TI-H: What ever happened to the TI network?
>Precedence: list
>Travis and I are still working on it. No one cares about it though.
>put out offers for programmers to program chat programs, or things like
>that and no one responded. We are making it and it will probably be
>before 1/20/97.
>>What ever happened to the TI network?t>
>>Michael Cook
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>> (general)
>> (checked once per month)
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