Re: TI-H: vacation prog problem
Re: TI-H: vacation prog problem
If you get an email program like Eudora ( ), that
has good filtering capability, you can set up a filter that autoresponds
with an away message to any email you receive except ones that contain the
words TI anywhere in the header. Eudora is THE email program to have.
At 04:58 PM 12/10/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Thanks for using NetForward!
>* this might appear a bit of-topic, but you'll be lucky if it the
>problem's solved *
>I'm using a vacation program, that answers all my e-mails while I'm
>But now I joined TI-Hardware, so I think that when the program's on,
>whenever I'll recieve a mail from the list, it will send a dummy message
>back telling the whole group (read: you!) that I'm not here... I assume
>you can also live without that info, so: HOW TO STOP THAT??? After all,
>I don't want to quit the list when abroad, because I want to read all
>the postings when I'm back again - on the other hand I want the vacation
>program to run for all other (non-list) senders.
>Help please - otherwise I'll just try it ;-)
>Thanx, Philipp
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