TI-H: RF ICs from TI


TI-H: RF ICs from TI

Ran across this in TI&ME newsletter... Didn't actually check it out yet

TI Announces Family of Radio Frequency ICs for Wireless Personal

ALLAS (Dec. 1, 1997) -- A new family of radio frequency 

RF) IC products, announced today by Texas Instruments, 

urther establishes the company as a leading supplier of 

igital signal processing solutions for wireless 

ommunications. These RF ICs enable the TI Wireless 

ommunications Business Unit to provide all the major 

ystem blocks for digital cellular, Personal 

ommunications Systems (PCS) and digital cordless phone 

pplications. The introduction of RF ICs demonstrates 

I's continued commitment to the wireless communications 

arket as well as the company's ability to leverage its 

stablished expertise in mixed-signal and analog 



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