Re: TI-H: Question about the 92
Re: TI-H: Question about the 92
>-> >I just want to know
>-> >more about the memory cards, because they don't need drivers,
>-> batteries >and such. Could someone who lives somewhere where they
>-> sell the memory >cards tell me more about them please?
>-> Well they do need drivers, batteries, *and* a complicated
>-> microprocessor-controlled interface...
>-> -Mel
>I thought TI made them? Why would they need drivers? (Or any of those
>other things)
Oh, if you're talking about the TI-92 II then it's not really a
"memory card" but rather an entire new 128k chip soldered to the main
board along with a new ROM module. I'm not sure if they're gonna
release the rumoured ROM drop-in replacement module to upgrade current
-The TI-Memory Expansion Homepage