TI-H: PSX memorycard prices/TI-85 MIDI
TI-H: PSX memorycard prices/TI-85 MIDI
Some prices (the first found by AltaVista) for PSX memorycards here in
All of the >1MEG memorycards are compatible with the PSX either by
emulating multiple memorycards ("bank switching" button on the card) or
with some other trick (anyone got an idea?). To my knowledge this is
because Sony designed the PSX to use _Sony_ 1 MEG cards.
http://www.sgic.fi/~htt/ - 179 FIM / 1 MEG
MTV3 tekstikanava - 195 FIM / 1 MEG
- 140 FIM / 1 MEG
- 275 FIM / 16 MEG
- 325 FIM / 24 MEG !!!
I personally would build/buy a "PSX memorycard TI storage system" even
if it was a complicated EPROM system or anything, because of the
following reasons:
- PSX cards are readily available
- PSX cards are cheap (325 FIM =~ 72 USD, for 24 MEG)
- PSX cards look professional!
- Even if the interface would require special parts they would be
available from Sony/PSX repair/broken PSX's
And now for something completely different:
Would it be possible to build a MIDI hardware interface, that the TI
wouldn't have to worry about timing? PlayMIDI lib would only send the
data to a separate "MIDI-card", which would send it as MIDI codes (all
timing done by the "soundcard"). I don't know electronics much, but
anyhow ...
PlayMIDI(NoteOn+CHAN6, 60, 128) ;Play middle-C at
;full volume on channel 6
ENDMIDIMESSAGE=0xf7 ;End SysEx message (can we use this?)
buffer=(0x96, 60, 128, ENDMIDIMESSAGE)
SendPort(len(buffer),buffer) ;or something
recieves buffer until ENDMIDIMESSAGE
sends the buffer through its own UART (clocked 31.25 kBaud) without the
Hope you understand, it's quite messy.
I'm currently so hooked on MIDI (Impulse Tracker MIDI jam sessions
rule!) that I hope someone could give me enough info to build the
perfect portable drum machine/synth/sequencer/... from my TI-85.
And by the way, I'm not developing an interface to provide you
background music for your favourite TI games or anything, but an
instrument as powerful as any MIDI sequencer/master keyboard (it needs a
separate MIDI device to output the sounds).
Of course you can expand this project to be a "Sound Blaster" for the
TI, but I wouldn't recommend it because of the complexity of the MIDI
interface (a C64 type SID-based soundcard would be much easier).
- Köpi Kuorelahti -
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