TI-H: Stuff


TI-H: Stuff


I'm trying to run WTRAN8 (By Sami Khawam (sp?) and I get an error that I
need a file called BWCC.DLL to run the program..  Can anyone e-mail me a
copy of this file (if they have it?)  I'd really appreciate it!

Also, if anyone needs info on the $4 serial link, I HAVE IT!  I have a
working schematic for it.  http://www.execpc.com/~tonyd/ti83.html.
Whatever happened to Tobin Fricke??


 __  /_______ _______ _____  __   Tony Do - Franklin, WI USA
 _  __/_  __ \__  __ \__  / / /   e-mail
 / /_  / /_/ /_  / / /_  /_/ /    ... tonyd@execpc.com  [home]
 \__/  \____/ /_/ /_/ _\__, /         mr2td@hotmail.com [away]
                      /____/      WWW site
                                  ... http://www.execpc.com/~tonyd
