TI-H: Battery question


TI-H: Battery question

I'm currently working on a backlighting project for the TI-8x series
(and possibly the 92...), but I'm perplexed by one thing:

I'm using 3 LEDs, each which require about 2V to light up.  I'm
connecting them in a parallel circuit, something like you see here:

        /           \
|      \             /      |
|       \----LED----/       |
|                           |
+                           -

(with a switch, of course)

My question is:  is it possible to hook this circuit directly to the
TI's batteries, or would it be better (yet more complex) to use a
seperate battery?


-Brandon Turok
-e-mail:   windowswiz@ibm.net
-website:  http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/8790/
-IRC:      RealTurok

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