TI-H: A few ideas
TI-H: A few ideas
1. Could someone post some info on library and linkport programming or
even better save me from the trouble of coding and send some sources
for an I/O lib (possibly a standard serial protocol).
2.0. I/O lib+ErrorDetectLib=MassStorageLib for Walkman (or other
magnetic media). Would it be possible to just record bits (+5v = 1, 0v
= 0 : or whatever the linkport voltage) to a tape recorder and read
them back by playing the tape? I do miss those "Press play on tape"
messages ...
2.1. Has anyone done any research on Sony Playstation memorycards and
their suitability for a mass storage system for the TI85? The
connector would be excellent for a "disk type" media. The data seems
to be stored in blocks of 65536 bytes (16 blocks for a normal memory
card -> 1 Mbyte). It can't be that complicated ...
2.2. I/O lib+h/w adapter=MIDI-TI85. (see my previous message)
3. A dynamic memory allocation library has to be published or the
Z80-asm scene can't evolve. If noone can work it out, we'll just have
to ask Texas Instruments for it.
4. Old games. It would be great if someone could find sources (c,
pascal, any processor asm) for really old games (w/ ~<10k code?) f.ex
Rogue, Hack, they shouldn't be too hard to port.
5. Compilers. GCC, GPC, FPK-pascal - compilers w/ public sources ...
5.1. Can anyone get their hands on old Z80 compilers, say for the
Spectrum Z80?
6.0. Sounds. A 2 bit "soundcard" standard would be great, 1 bit is
just a little too little.
6.1. Serial to parallel chip
- How complicated an 8 bit soundcard would be?
- How high a frequency would be possible for playback?
Köpi Kuorelahti mk_kopi@hotmail.com
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