Re: TI-H: Fix messed up C9 (Acceleration)
Re: TI-H: Fix messed up C9 (Acceleration)
>Brian Leech wrote:
>> Yes, desoldering **C9** works with **ROM** version 10.
>Then how can I do it without frying my calculator like I did last time?
I did a C9 Removal to accelerate my calc. It worked perfect, has have
EVERY calc I have accelerated, except one. The screen wouldn't even come
on or it would be all black, depending on how you turned it on.
Does this sound familiar???
If it does then listen. Did you ever get the calc runnibg again???
If you did, great, but if you didn't then listen up!
If you removed C9 and the pad on the circuit board got too hot, it's
possible that it lifted off the board and tore off!
You'll notice there is a white square painted aroung C9 to show where it
is. Take a sharp object and scrape it away, right next to the pads on
both sides. You should see a copper trace on the circuit board coming
into BOTH sides of C9, not just from the processor. If you solder the
two lower wires together and the two top wires together, your calc
should run it turbo mode. If you solder the switch and old capacitor
like you normaly would, you should have a working switch. There is a
high chance this could happen, but the older the board, the more likely
it is to happen, though it can happen to any calc.
I hope you get your calc fixed!!! (;
Richard Piotter
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