TI-H: I need help with software for an 8-bit sound cart!!!
TI-H: I need help with software for an 8-bit sound cart!!!
I need help!!! I designed an 8-bit sound cart, but I don't know assembly
language. I need help from
someone who has plenty of knowledge with ports and interfacing. I
believe that Microwire is
compatible with the TI calculators (I may be wrong, but isn't Microwire
what the Expander SF chip
uses?). The chip being used is the MAX550B, Low power, +2.5v to +5.5v,
8-bit voltage output
DAC and it utilizes the microwire serial interface. I will have a
schematic up soom for anyone who
wants to help out. Because 8-bit digitized sound takes massive amounts
of memory (5KB per
second at a sampling rate of 5KHz per second), I would like a function
generator routine. A
function generator routine could create Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth,
Square, and noise waves using
simple algorythms rather than digitizing the data. This would save
massive amounts of memory and
allow a type of sound chip emulation. If you allowed multiple functions
you could use that AND,
OR, and XOR stuff to mix the channels. Imagine multi chanel 8-bit
waveform generation with
digitized data also possible. I don't believe that a waveform generator
would be hard to program. I
will even send you the chips and datasheets to build one yourself, or at
least create a
prototype/expirimental setup for testing (no volume control). I need
help with this. I can't do it
myself. This is a high priority on my list. 8-bit waveform generation
would allow GameBoy quality
sound to be produced! The possibilities would be endless for sound. If
someone knows Usgard
library programming, you could create a library that would have all the
sound routines. Just access
it and put some values into the registers and you could have it
producing high quality sound!
I want someone good with hardware to look at the thing and tell me if it
is a feasible design or if
there would be problems before I have programming started.
Thank you (In 8-Bits) 0:
Richard Piotter
e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com
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