TI-H: Spinterface... use DIN switches
TI-H: Spinterface... use DIN switches
Has anyone tried using DIN ports instead of those ribbon cable connectors?
Seems to me that they would work much better, and have a lesser chance of
something happening to them. Mouser Electronics has DIN connectors up to
9 pins!
> >From: Robinson <robinson@nceye.net>
> >To: "'ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org'" <ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org>
> >Subject: TI-H: spinterface
> >Date: Fri, 15 Aug 1997 21:17:33 -0400
> >
> >This question is to Richard. Isn't it possible to build the
> SpinTerface =
> >with only 7 pins? I notice that the 5v regulator and the ground wires
> =
> >are just doubled. Is there any reason for this?
> >
> I only did it because i had an easier time trying to find 10-pin headers
> than 8-pin. The original design was an 8-pin with one to keep it from
> being plugged in wrong. I tried 8-pin DIP sockets, but the pins always
> came out cause they are designed to be soldered. They would sometimes
> push right through. When I found about 6 10-pin headers off of serial
> cables, I used those, but my first header was a standard header with a
> 10-wire ribbon cable. I put the filled in pin that connects to nothing
> where it was because I actualy tested different locations and it was the
> best location to prevent accidental insertion (one pin over (like if the
> filled hole was on the end) and the cart's link connections could hit a
> power supply. I made the design the way it is because it is safest for
> the carts. I realize that an 8-pin connector would be possible, but I
> couldn't find any smaller than 10-pins. As for the 5v+ and Ground pins
> being doubled, I did it because they only cary power and I had two extra
> pins. I could just have easily used 8-pin headers, IF I could have found
> one.
> Hope that explains things!
> Richard Piotter
> e-mail: richfiles@hotmail.com
> home page: <A
> HREF="http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lakes/5081/Richfiles.html">The
> Richfiles</A>
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