Re: TI-H: ... free samples ...
Re: TI-H: ... free samples ...
J. Jacob Hopkins wrote:
> I'd imagine everyone loves free samples. But I feel free samples are
> being abused. Free samples aren't for you to avoid having to spend
> money to get products, unless you are in R&D... they are not for end
> users/consumers.
I think this is a valuable reminder. You have to realize, however,
that a lot of us operate on very limited budgets and simply cannot
afford to spend $8 for some fancy-pants new IC which may or may not
even work in our end design.
Believe me, NatSemi has a lot more money than anyone of us are likely
to ever have... I think they can afford to send a few $0.40 parts
out to some students who are just playing around with their calcs.
The publicity NatSemi has gotten on this list alone more than
makes up for the $5 or so they've spent sending a few of us samples.
> On a seperate note... could everyone take a moment before they reply to
> some messages and decide if it is really important enough for a list
> reply, or personal.
I agree. I'm becoming almost offended at the near-spam the SPinTerface
has caused. No offense to Rich or any of the other posters, but I think
a lot of that could be taken to private E-Mail. The SPinTerface is a
good idea, but its not exactly the best thing since sliced bread. I
hope the mass histeria ends when people realize that its just
a creative way to prototype... nothing more, nothing less.
While I'm griping, I think the amount of lameness on this list is
breathtaking. I don't mean to be a snob, but a lot of people need to
learn either the English language or how to use their E-Mail providers..
Nearly all of the juno and hotmail users on this list send multiple
of each message out... Its no wonder so many of the original subscribes
to this list left many months ago. I'm just saying it would be nice if
people did a little thinking before spitting their ideas directly into
their E-Mail clients.
Now that I've started a flame war, I'll put my TWO line (notice I didn't
say 18 line double spaced) sig: ;-)
Bryan Rittmeyer