TI-H: SPinTerface mania
TI-H: SPinTerface mania
I see that this list has begun to get flooded by discussion around the
SPinTerface. This has become a bit annoying, because most people don't
seem to know the facts of what they're talking about.
The SPinTerface itself is a great idea, but it's not the solution to
every problem and limitation the TI-85 has, as some seem to think. Every
device that can be made into a SPinTerface module can as well be
equipped with a power source and connected to the link port, although
the resulting device would be bigger and possibly more expensive. It's
just strange how people react when something like this that seems to be
a new radical idea emerges. I haven't heard anyone suggest making games
into small boxes that you connect to the link port, even though that
would be about as easy as making such game cartridges for the
SPinTerface. Even if such game cartridges are possible to design, they
seem to give little benefit over the Expander. Also, suddenly people
seem to think that building the IR link is a simple task now that
SPinTerface, our savior, has arrived.
I don't want to blame Richard Piotter for this hysteria, the idea really
is great and facilitates design of TI-85 extensions quite much by
supplying power to the devices. Still, I don't think people should send
their calcs to Richard or anyone else just to be fitted with a
SPinTerface. It might be dangerous to the calc, and if something breaks
in it someone has to pay. It's OK if a person who has the experience and
information to build his/her own SPinTerface - and knows he really needs
it - fits one on his calc, because he can't blame anybody else if he
screws up his calc. But a person who doesn't know or want to install the
SPinTerface himself probably can't make any modules either, so I can't
see the point of making someone else install the interface. I don't
think I'll be building a SPinTerface into my TI-85, because I don't
think I actually need it. I'm familiar with the innards of my TI, but
don't want to poke around. If I ever make a device that is useful enough
to be carried around with the TI, I might reconsider building the
SPinTerface, but I think only the Expander and possibly the IR link
would be handy enough, and as of now, I have neither of them (working).
So, please, new ideas are welcome, but don't overestimate the power of
the SPinTerface. Keep your feet on the ground when posting to TI-H.
*** Osma Suominen *** ozone@clinet.fi *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone