Re: TI-H: Hey guys, try something simple... For IR linking
Re: TI-H: Hey guys, try something simple... For IR linking
Nightshadow wrote:
> It seems to me that IR-recievers need a carrier freq. in order to even
> detect the signal; you would need to have a 38khz signal or whatever
> that carrier is for you reciever and then whatever pulse (ttl) you put
> in would come out the reciever without the carrier automatically. I
> think this could be done with a simple 555 timer. However there is still
> the problem that it's async. Is there anyway with ASM to access the data
> and clock lines individually??
> -=<Matt>=-
Asynchronicity (sp?) is not a problem in the 555 type of design. There
are no different data and clock lines, except if there is a reason to
call them so. Otherwise the data lines are usually just called Red and
White. The TI protocol doesn't use different data and clock lines (find
more about this yourself if you need to). In asm they can be (and
usually are) accessed individually. Check the link port documentation at
(Somehow I have a feeling that someone is reinventing the wheel
here...I've been experimenting with a 555 IR link for a long time and
it's almost finished...check for more info)
*** Osma Suominen *** ***