TI-H: Multiple device control


TI-H: Multiple device control

Having absorbed all the data I could on the SPinTerface, the Expander 
SF, and just about every other insane add-on devised, I decided that we 
need to make them all work at once.
The Expander can be about the size of two camera batteries
The speaker is about the size of five stacked quarters
Then we need a bypass for a link cable, and then a fourth peripheral.
Use a binary counter (2 bits) so that is counts from 0 to 3, overflows 
and goes back to zero.  assign each device a number, write up an 
assembly language driver for this single device, and that's it.  A few 
sleepless nights of hardware interface design ought to do the trick.
I acknowledge that I'm just about a total neophyte to TI hardware, but  
I think my design is at least halfway feasible.  In fact, use device #4 
as a PCMCIA port on the back of the calc, use Rich's battery expander, 
and then toss on the TI-Glow device, and you have yourself a huge device 
(about the size of the calc itself) that can do almost anything!
My next idea is to tear apart my 386 and use its parts to build a TI 
NetServer.  Of course, I want to wait for a working RT link before I do 
Brought to you by the guy who wants to write the TI-8x TCP/IP stack,

Christopher Kalos
Executive Director
Virtual Technology Development

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