Re: TI-H: SPinterface port reading
Re: TI-H: SPinterface port reading
-> The SPinTerface port is an extention of the link port that lets you
-> expiriment or add super tiny cartridges. It is accessed through
-> assembly the exact same way you access the link port. Example: You
-> can build Mel Tsai's SF Expander that has batteries, and a link cable
-> that has to be cut up to install, or you can build a tiny SF Expander
-> cart coming in at only 1/4 inch thick, an inch and a half long and
-> just under an inch wide. one plugs into the link port, the other
-> plugs into a SPinTerface port. Both ports carry the cams three wires,
-> Red (Data), White (Clock), and Ground (the labels are based on the
-> Expander). The only difference is that the SPinTerface provides the
-> power for the cartridge,
-> elliminating the need for an extra set of batteries, greatly reducing
-> the size of the device. Also my amplified speaker. It is the same as
-> one of those earphones, but a transistor and variable resistor allow
-> you to create a device loud enough that it doesn't need to be in your
-> ear to hear it (it's loud!!!). All of these devices use the same
-> signals, the same lines, so you don't need to change the way you
-> write software. You can continue writing software for the link cable,
-> and it will
-> automaticly be compatible with the SPinTerface port. If someone ever
-> comes up with a way to network calcs by simply daisychaining the link
-> ports, you could connect link to link with the link cable and then
-> the SPinTerface of one of those calcs can connect to the SPinTerface
-> of another. Its link port would go to anothers link port and so on. I
-> know this isn't (yet) possible, but it's just one of those "things"
-> you can do with a SPinTerface. There is no difference between
-> assembly to acces the link port and assembly to access the
-> SPinTerface port. To the calc, They are the same, but to the user,
-> there are those several advantages, number one being ease of use (a
-> Cartridge vs. a link cable, box, and extra batterys) and another
-> major one being cost reduction. Chances are that you won't ever have
-> to build any type of power circuitry into a SPinTerface Cart unless
-> it needs something other than 5v. You never have to buy a cheap
-> (spelled "C-R-A-P-Y") 2.5 connector or cut an expensive link cable in
-> two. You save on cases, since most projects, without batteries or
-> power circuits will fit into those FREE Virtual Boy gamepack covers
-> (see my webpage to find out how to get them). There are probably
-> other reasons, but I don't want to run out of memory (-:
-> If you have any questions, just ask.
-> Richard Piotter
Can you access the link and SPinTerface simultaneously? Also, do you
have a working memory cart?