Re: TI-H: TI-Modem one big reply
Re: TI-H: TI-Modem one big reply
Joe Martis wrote:
> All of you are telling me that it's easier to put a 9600 modem on it.
> If
> it's eaiser than how do you slap 9/25 pins into 3, you do that and try
> to process all that and the 9600 would be slower. Second off you need
> power, and alot of it, the modem is plugged in to the calc and the
> world
> and a battery pack (can't plug it into the wall in a tent with only a
> cell phone,) the battery pack would die in an hour. Answer that.
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Maybe I'm wrong on this, but, doesnt the internals of a computer run on
5 volts (internal modem). It would be about 6-9 volts for an external
one. The only problem you may have is with the amperage needed for the
modem. Also, about trying to get 9 pins down to 3 on a serial port.
Easy. It's called multiplexing (I think). Mel Tsai used a form of it on
his previous version of his expander when he used older serial EEPROMS.
And it was fast (for a TI calculator). I think he said he estimated
about 10k a sec thoughput, but I could be wrong. Still, thats faster
than a 9600 modem!
Maybe you should research things a bit more carefully before shooting
your mouth off. There are many people on this list who are extreemly
well versed in electronics and have been working on projects like this
for some time. I think they know what they are doing.