Re: TI-H: IR Link


Re: TI-H: IR Link

Tim Gerla wrote:

> Whoops! I didn't mean to post to the binaries to the list... Sorry. I
> know the link won't work, but I just wanted to make something up for
> the page's title. But, how does my schematic look? Are the symbols
> alright?

It's NOT alright, sorry...

1) The collector of the transistor should be connected to R and the
emitter to ground, not vice versa.

2) If you use an external power supply, R1 should be disconnected from R
and the collector. +5V is only connected to R1.

3) The LED is connected in the wrong way.

_Please_ mention in the picture that it's not official and doesn't
work!! I don't want angry e-mail...


*** Osma Suominen *** <a href=""></a> ***
