Re: TI-H: $5 Paralell link??? HELP PLEASE!!!
Re: TI-H: $5 Paralell link??? HELP PLEASE!!!
The "Green Book" is called Getting Started in Electronics, it is written
by Forrest M. Mims, III, is Radio Shack Catalog Number 276-5003a, and the
ISBN number is um... I dunno... if it is the number under the bar code
then it is 276-5003, but something tells me that is an internal code for
Radio Shack since it is the same as the catalog number...
On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Ilkka Neuvonen wrote:
> > I highly recommend the green book! It's excellent. It's got 100
> > circuits in the back too.
> Someone should highly tell the author and/or ISBN of the book, since all
> of us can't go to Radio Shack to ask for it... (ok, so I am out of topic,
> but I don't tell anyone if you don't ;)
> > -Tim
> -P