TI-H: IR link _unofficial_ plans
TI-H: IR link _unofficial_ plans
Subject: TI-H: IR link _unofficial_ plans
From: Osma Suominen <ozone@clinet.fi>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 19:05:55 +0000
In-Reply-To: <>
People seem to be interested about my plans for a link. I do NOT
recommend building this circuit if you don't know what you are doing. It
WON'T work without special software that doesn't yet exist (well, I've
got some untested, unfinished routines, but still...). If you know Z80
asm you might be able to turn your TI into a programmable remote
controller with this.
The schematics: (just try to read this! ;) )
W ------------+------------+
| |
| - |
| + |
| |
R1 |
| |
R ------------+ <-(+) |
| |
>From the TI C + - |
T1 B---D1----+
E |
| <-(-) R3
| |
B ------------+------------+
R1 150 ohm
R2 100 kohm
R3 8,2 kohm
T1 2N2222
D1 PIN IR photodiode, "703*6H" printed on it
I've only tested the receiving part of this. I don't know how much power
you can take from the link port. If it doesn't give out enough current,
you can connect a 5V (or 4,5V or 6V or something like that, you can
adjust R1) power source at the places marked with arrows (<-) _and_
disconnect R1 from R.
How this works:
To send: pull down W, let R be 5V (not needed if you have external
To receive: let both R and W be 5V, read R
That's it...and remember, this is UNSUPPORTED hardware, don't expect it
to work with any programs other than your own. It might not work at all,
I've tested it only briefly. I might release my routines for this if I
ever have reason to finish them. It now seems that this link will be
obsolete as soon as another, better one has been designed by Keith
*** Osma Suominen *** <a href="mailto:ozone@clinet.fi">ozone@clinet.fi</a> *** http://www.clinet.fi/~ozone