Re: TI-H: The Parallel Port Link
Re: TI-H: The Parallel Port Link
On Sun, 27 Oct 1996 21:12:49 -0500 (EST), you wrote:
>Well, actually, no. The ti transmits as zero volts for a binary 1, so when
>data is being transfered, there would be no light. Anyway, the light
>would turn a specific color depending on what way the data was being
Not the way I see it. No data is +5 volts, data is 0 volts. When it's
binary 1, it's 0 volts, so no electricity is going through the LED.
The LED stays off. When it's binary 0, +5 volts are going through, so
the LED lights up.
Tim Gerla - / /\ \
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Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==- / / /\ \ \
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