Re: TI-H: Well, this is rather interesting.
>Someone wrote:
>> THE QUESTION IS: Where can I buy a new LCD for it? I have little
>> time, so if someone knows right off the top of their head, please tell me.
>> Thanx! BTW: if you're going to tell me, please put the reply line in all
>> caps. if you feel like it. Don't matter TOO much.
>Have a look through the Digi-Key catalog ( They have a
>large variety of LCD panels, modules, etc. If you find one that is
>compatible with the TI-92, you'll probably also find one just like it,
>but with a built-in backlight. :) Wouldn't that be cool? You might also
>search Yahoo, Altavista, etc for LCD panel sources/manufacturers.
Yes, but soldering it in is going to be a bitch. You'll probably short or
burn something out by trying to de-solder the old one, and solder in the
new one. Also, you don't knot the protocol for the 92 screen, and I don't
know if there is a standard. I'm not bashing you idea, more power to you,
but just a few thing to consider before you buy the first LCD with the same
pixel dimensions as the 92.
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