Re: TI-H: overhead port link


Re: TI-H: overhead port link

On Sat, 26 Oct 1996 09:20:18 -0700, you wrote:

>I have not actually verified this, but I have a friend who tells me that
>he tried ZShell on an overhead equipped calculator, and ZS didn't
>display on the overhead screen, only on the TI screen. Interesting?

So the '85 has a viewscreen adapter too? Hmm... If the Z-Shell story
is true, then maybe there is a display controller in the '92 and it is
not hardwired to the LCD screen...

 Tim Gerla -      / /\ \           
                                            / /\ \ \         
      Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==-           / / /\ \ \       
            Tyball@irc                    / / /  \ \ \ /_/____\ \ \     
 TI-92, HTML, Links, POV-Ray, Fractint! /_/________\_\/\      
