Re: TI-H: IR Link
Re: TI-H: IR Link
On Fri, 25 Oct 1996 19:24:35, -0500, you wrote:
>No, in fact this WOULD be easy. All you need to do is get two 556
>timers, and hook them up so that they occilate at a HIGH frequency,
>one slightly different than the other. (You do NOT need to even
>THINK about wavelengths) Then hook up a detector (GP1U52X -- R.S.
>Cat. No. 276-137; Includes everything you need to know, and
>schematics, which would only need to be modified slightly for our
>purposes) to two 567 Tone Decoders, one to detect each frequency.
>Believe it or not, this can all be done with 2 NE556 Timer Chips and
>2 567 Tone Decoders (and of course, the IR detector module and a few
>other components). This circuit IS relatively small, especially when
>on a PC board.
>Hmm... I think I'll try to build a prototype this week.
Sounds excellent. Just one note -- I've seen a NE558, which is a
*quad* 555 timer. It's in a 14 or 16 dip, I can't remember right now,
but anyway, I don't know the pinout of the 558 chip, but maybe I'll
try and get the datasheet soon. This could reduce the parts count
slightly. Well, good luck and let me know what happens with your
Tim Gerla - / /\ \
/ /\ \ \
Tyball Dragon -==(UDIC)==- / / /\ \ \
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