TI-H: Backlighting


TI-H: Backlighting

The most promising thing that I have found is a small light (about 2" wide x
2" high x 1/4" thick).  It is called LimeLite(Tm) or something like that and
can be found at many general purpose and hardware stores.  They are kinda
pricey (about $10 US) but seem to be just the right size for a TI-92 screen.
They use a similar-looking-and-acting device as an Indiglo watch light and
glow a soft blue-green.  The small module plugs directly into the wall
(120v) and uses 70mw.  I'm sure that this could easily be adapted for use
with 6v as the LimeLite probably has a resistor  built in and really doesn't
care how many volts it receives.
                        Just an idea,

P.S. You can order them from Damark (1-800-729-9000) with the part number
B-8850-418353 (2 for $20) or B-8850-418360 (4 for $30) no shipping and
handling charges.