Re: TI-H: Where can I get Pure Energy Batts?
Because Canada makes them. The US doesn't make the batts, though they may
order them from Canada.
"This is the most logical route, Captain"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: TI-H: Where can I get Pure Energy Batts?
: Date: October 24, 1996 11:05 PM
: On Thu, 24 Oct 1996 17:04:51 -0600 "Zenon Lynx" <>
: writes:
: >I suppose you could look around some hardware stores but it would be a
: >good
: >idea to ask them if they could order in the Pure Energy Batteries and
: >Chargers from Canada. That way, they'll get mucho business there
: >(they say
: >the batts and chargers sell like hotcakes here!) and you'll get your
: >batts!
: > Wal-Mart, if you guys have it, should have the batts.
: Why Canada, when he can order it from the good ole USA and get it much
: sooner through our super shipping companies. Canadian mail is slow (i've
: heard from many canadian-americans.)