TI-H: IR link Vrs. the Radio link...
TI-H: IR link Vrs. the Radio link...
Subject: TI-H: IR link Vrs. the Radio link...
From: Dave Collins <Lindoran@execpc.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 00:06:24 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
> From: David Lee <davidlee@itis.com>
> To: ti-hardware@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: TI-H: IR links
> Date: Thursday, October 24, 1996 8:54 PM
> IR links are just about worthless in a classroom situation because people
> are moving around and walking in front of the beam. For classroom use
> NEED a radio link.. I'm looking into some plans for a radio link now..
> like to help some people and it would be nice if some people would help
> with the link..
> David Lee
Are we talking about the radio link plans which are avalible at
to my knowledge it works but only after you have played aroud with the
for a while... I could make a better one.. but the FCC would be on my tail
a second.. I have herd that it has nise problems when it is close to a RF
field.. this is a problem if your teacher gets smart and turns on the
classroom computer lab and you are suddenly cut off from the rest of the
world of chating calcs..