TI-H: just a quick blurb....
TI-H: just a quick blurb....
Subject: TI-H: just a quick blurb....
From: SAM STAUFFER <sam.stauffer@aquila.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 96 16:02:00 -0600
In-Reply-To: <>
-> Would it be posible, after Fargo comes out, to talk to a pariferal
-> thrugh the overhead port on the 92?
-> this is just a little idea that I had,
-> This idea was prompted by the fact that the protocall on the io port
-> for the
-> 92 is not the same as the one on all of the Z80 prosessing family of
-> Ti-calcs. This poses a problem if you want to send info down the
-> linkport to
-> do stuff such as, genterateing sound or talking to other calcs which
-> are not
-> the same type (ie. a 85 talking to a 92). I only hope that Fargo
-> will come out soon so that I can start working on this Thery..
-> What do you guys think?
-> I would really appretiate your Input.
Hmm, I don't know that one, you would need to know how the 92 sends
data through the projector port.
Does anyone know the protocol and what pin is what, on the 92 overhead