Re: TI-H: ti-turbo
I think it's not the processor, just some other thing on the board (I think
it controls graphics).
"Honors Master PhD of Idea Engineering"
-= =-
: From:
: To: Zenon
: Subject: Re: TI-H: ti-turbo
: Date: October 22, 1996 4:35 AM
: >> Solver, int, der, and the other built in math stuff runs a lot faster.
: This
: >> is extreamly helpful on timed math tests. As for the battery issue,
: use
: >> Renewal batteries-- they last as long as alkine bats and when they run
: down
: >> recharge them!
: >
: >I was never told if the acceleration technique works on the 82/83...
: >Do you have any idea? The new 83 is also a CE-type...
: I can't see why not, if they all have the z80 processor, then TI put
: something in to slow 'em all down.
: -|/|/esley McGrew