Re: TI-H: Re: LZ: Backlighting


Re: TI-H: Re: LZ: Backlighting

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, Zenon Lynx wrote:

> : From:
> : To: Zenon
> : Subject: Re: LZ: Backlighting
> : Date: October 20, 1996 5:23 PM
> : 
> : 
> : > ultrabright LEDs if you can find clear white ones (or even blue...? 
> but
> : > not RED!!) then it would be good...LEDs take little power too.
> : 
> : Tell me if you ever see a white LED.  LED's are semiconductors that emit
> : almost monochromatic light.  They would have to emit all frequencies of
> : visible light to make white light.  So, for now at least, white LEDs do
> : not exist.  Blue LEDs exist, but they are new and relatively expensive.
> : 
> : Tobin Fricke

White "LED's" exist, but they're commonly referred to as "solid state 
lamps" and i don't think they use LED technology (not sure).

They use them for mercury lamp replacement etc. Check a Digi-key catalog, 
and you'll find them.

-gee (
