Re: TI-H: Re: Turboing 85
Zenon Lynx wrote:
> Postage paid by: [Image]
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Actually, just taking out the C9 works for me. I did have the same problem
> (that the display screws up) only because I (somehow) burnt off a
> connection between one of the chips and the capacitor beside C9. It took
> me a few minutes to figure that out, and if you'd press down the part of
> plastic between F3 and MORE hard enough then try to turn it on or whatnot,
> then it will work normally unless you've burnt the connection right off!
> "Honors Master PhD of Idea Engineering"
> -= =-
> ----------
I consider myself fairly knowledgable in TI acceleration as I have done
it with both the new "CE" (European Community) compatible (the ones you
see in the plastic packaging) and the old ones in the cardboard box.
When you remove C9, one must leave it open. Do NOT close the circuit.
If you remove C9 and connect the two leads by a wire your calculator
will not function. By removing C9 completely, the speed increase is
Accelerating the CE calculators takes longer as the internal design is
different, but is has been done.