Re: TI-H: turbo 92 (92 upgrade project)
I am currently working on an upgrade product for the TI-92. I have
contacted Motorola and they are being quite helpful. The project will take
quite a bit of development time, however, so I wouldn't expect anything
until at least summer '97. As far as using the old capacitor swap, I am
pretty sure that this trick was exclusive to the z80 line of calculators.
The 680x0 line of processors has advanced communication functions as well as
dynamic buss speeds, allowing it to control it's communication port at a
different speed than that which the processor is running. This implies that
the ti-8x calculator processors were slowed down to meet the requirements of
their port, and were not really running at their maximum mHz. The TI-92, I
hypothesize, keeps it's motherboard and processor and com ports running at
their max mHz already. Of course, I am going to need to do some testing to
prove this, but it seems logical. This would mean that in order to speed up
the processor, it will require the replacement of the processor with the
product that I am currently investigating. If you go to the list-fargo or
ti-hardware bulletin board, you will find many posts by me on the subject.
Search for Erik Buehler. The more recent the post, the more accurate my
information was at the time.
I have recently found a processor that seems even more likely to be "THE
CHIP". Much debate has raged about the actual processor in the ti-92, and
here is the latest scoop:
On the chip in my TI-92, the label is as follows:
The chip I found that is a close match is listed as follows:
Motorola XC68307 100-Lead FG configuration. 16 mHz. Integrated Multiple
Bus Processor. Static Core EC000 Processor, UART, M-Bus Dual Timers, 8051
interface, dynamic 68000 bus. FYI the EC000 core is the MPU from the
origional 68000. If it is a 68000 based processor in the 92, this has to be
the one. Otherwise, I believe it is the mc68ec020 FG16. I believe that the
two chips are completely pin compatible. The present chip, I believe, could
merely be pulled out and replaced by the mc68ec020 and would then be able to
use the new opcodes. However, the processor would still be on the same
clock, so in order to increase the speed, we would have to find a way to
increase only the processor's speed, and leave the rest of the system alone.
The 020 is available in a 25 mHz version, and coulpled with the new opcodes
it provides, it would make a very powerful TI-92. Right now, my current
project involves replaceing the the current chip with an IC tha twuold have
a 68030, extra ram, cache, and a math coprocessor. DEvelopment is limited
by the speed with which Motorola can provide information, but I will keep
you all posted.
I am only human, unlike the super human creators of Fargo, so I do request
outside help. Anyone who wishes to help me persue this project (and has a
good genera knowlege of the 68000 family and the micro computers using
them), I encourage to contact me via private e-mail with the subject:
I get hundreds of messages per day, so I need subjects like these so I can
easily determine who's not to throw away.
At 06:53 AM 11/24/96 -0800, you wrote:
>does anyone know how to turbo a 92?
>also has anyone heard any thing about the radio link plans that have been
>rumored to be a hoax....has anyone had any luck building a radio link?
Erik Buehler
Email me at: