TI-H: TI-92 is fast enough?


TI-H: TI-92 is fast enough?

E-mail me at:
with a subject of "I've had enough, no more mega hertz!!!" If you think that
the ti-92 is just fast enough and no one should think about upgrading it.
After all, the 3d grapher only takes a few MINUTES to calculate a mildly
complicated graph, and it is obvious that any slightly detailed version of
Doom will be a slide show, making it easier, and thus more enjoyable to
play.  Who needs speed in this world of high tech?  We should sit back in
our recliners, relax, and wait until our ti-92 is good and ready to give us
the answer to that quadratic integral of an infinite term taylor polynomial.
(If only we had recliners in our Calculus 3 test hall).  Who needs to save a
little time, when we should take a little time to stop and smell the roses
while our calculator is crunching alphabet soup equations?  Not I for one!
I will fight to the bitter death anyone who tries to give my calculator a
little encouragement to get the job done a little faster.  I like my
calculator for who it is, not what it can do, and will not give the time of
day to a calculator that tries to impress me with sheer power.  It is
strength of heart, not speedy brains that make a calculator stand out from
the crowd, and I will let  no one, NO ONE take that from MY calculator.
Gee, does anyone smell sarcasm, or did I forget to use my deodorant this

For those weirdos who actually think that the ti-92 SHOULD be faster, some
weirdo who shall remain anonymous is at this address:
Use this subject:  "I crave power, take me to the God of silicon"
Erik Buehler
Email me at: erikb@ksu.ksu.edu