Re: TI-H: Upgrade Ti-92 RAM
I just read through ports.txt that's included with Fargo. According to
that file, by clearing bit 0 of port [600000] interleaved ram in enabled
allowing for 256K. With this a ROM hack might not be necessary. I'm not
sure if this alone does the trick. When I get the RAM and install it I'll
post the results. If anyone else has any info on this please post it.
Besides, the only way to hack the rom would be to write to it. You can't
write to ROM, hence Read Only Memory. You could, however, copy the ROM onto
disk, havk it there, then make your own ROM module with two EEPROMS, and put
that in the calc. That might be going overboard though.
Bill Stysiack
At 06:02 PM 11/17/96 -0600, you wrote:
>I think you might have to do a ROM Hack For This...
>> From: Bill Stysiack <>
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: TI-H: Upgrade Ti-92 RAM
>> Date: Sunday, November 17, 1996 2:29 PM
>> I just ordered 2 samples from Marshall, the TC551001BTRI-85L and the
>> TC551001BTRL-70L. I hope they send them, they are pickey about those
>> things. Does anybody know if the 92's rom supports the extra 128k, or if
>> you would only be able to use it with a custom assembly program written
>> Fargo?
>> Bill Stysiack