TI-H: Link85xp and LPT2
TI-H: Link85xp and LPT2
Subject: TI-H: Link85xp and LPT2
From: James Sulak <jsulak@geocities.com>
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 1996 13:39:52 -0800 (PST)
In-Reply-To: <>
Hey, everybody. I have been using link85xp for almost a year now on a Tandy
4000 LX (piece of junk ;-) ) equiped with a Lantastic network . The program
works great using LPT1, but I can't get the program to work on LPT2. The
printer works fine on LPT2, but I really need link85xp to run using LPT2,
because programs like DOS-EDIT only print to LPT1. I wouldn't be too
surprised if the computer was the problem, but I was wondering if anyone
else has had this happen to them. Thanks.
James Sulak
"What is beauty, or goodness, or art, or love, or God? We're forever
teetering on the brink of the unknowable, and trying to understand what
can't be understood. It's what makes us men." -- Isaac Asimov