Re: TI-H: The cheating post
If a person is smart enough to follow a schematic or learn how to operate
a chat program, it's highly likely that they are able to learn whatever
it is that they would be cheating on :)
Wesley McGrew
On Wed, 08 Nov 1995 16:25:07 -0500 (becker) writes:
>amaya@Alaska.NET wrote:
>> I guess that thing about cheating really pushed some
>> buttons on this list. I'm not trying to start a criminal conspiricy
>> (sp?) like that guy in LA with the coded pencils. What I really
>> wanted to know was if there could be a multi person chat, and my
>> question was answered. The part about chatting during tests was
>> to point out one of the ramifications of such a program. Sorry if I
>> pissed some people off. Besides, in retrospect, the whole thing was
>> pretty stupid, since if someone wanted to cheat with their
>> they could just put answers into a string or a program or something.
>Hey if you wanna cheat, then cheat, don't let them make you think you
>can't. Whatever makes you happy is nobody else's business, unless it
>directly affects them. If I really wanted to cheat, I would just built
>two inconspicuous RF transcievers, and pay a smart kid to give me the
>answers over the link, during a test. I may also pay him to write
>papers for me in my english, american literature, biology, chemistry,
>american history, world history and physics classes. I would also pay
>him to do the homework in all of those classes, if it was necessary.
>There are two reasons I don't do this:
>1) I have no money
>2) I'm pretty smart, and wouldn't need that kind of help
>3) I have no money